President Bush is visiting an elementary school. He says to the class, "You can all ask me questions."
A boy named Robby raises his hand and says, "I have three questions for you:
1. How did you win the election with less votes than Gore?
2. Isn't it true that you declared war on Iraq in order to get their oil?
3. Why hasn't the U.S. caught Osama Bin Laden yet?"
Just then the bell sounds and all the kids run out to the playground. Fifteen minutes later, the kids come back in class and again Bush says, "OK, you can all ask me questions."
A boy named Charlie raises his and says, "I have five questions for you:
1. How did you win the election with less votes than Gore?
2. Isn't it true that you declared war on Iraq in order to get their oil?
3. Why hasn't the U.S. caught Osama Bin Laden yet?
4. Why did the bell go off 20 minutes early?
5. Where's Robby?"
A boy named Robby raises his hand and says, "I have three questions for you:
1. How did you win the election with less votes than Gore?
2. Isn't it true that you declared war on Iraq in order to get their oil?
3. Why hasn't the U.S. caught Osama Bin Laden yet?"
Just then the bell sounds and all the kids run out to the playground. Fifteen minutes later, the kids come back in class and again Bush says, "OK, you can all ask me questions."
A boy named Charlie raises his and says, "I have five questions for you:
1. How did you win the election with less votes than Gore?
2. Isn't it true that you declared war on Iraq in order to get their oil?
3. Why hasn't the U.S. caught Osama Bin Laden yet?
4. Why did the bell go off 20 minutes early?
5. Where's Robby?"